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Improving Health & Friendships with a Tap

Born from research at Johns Hopkins, Dropby is more than just an app; it's a game-changer for your well-being. In a world where screen time often replaces face time, the need for Dropby is greater than ever.


Why Choose Dropby?

Feeling lonely or stressed in our digital world is all too common. That's where Dropby comes in. Our app connects you to real friends and feel-good activities, filling the gap between online and real-world connections.


Cutting-Edge Tech for a Better You

Dropby takes social apps to the next level with smart suggestions and ultra-secure ID checks. It's not just user-friendly—it's tailored to you, offering personalized tips to improve your mood and overall health.

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Redefining the Way You Connect, Exercise, and Thrive

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Personalized Maps

Want to know what's going on near you? Our maps show you all the fun within a one-mile radius. Find out where your friends are or join activities like group yoga. It's a simple, safe way to jump in on stuff that makes you feel good!

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Proximity-Based Social Interactions

Beyond maps, Dropby offers an intuitive mental health assessment tool that adapts to you. Through a mix of mood tracking, stress-level analysis, and a rich database of activities and resources, the app offers tailored recommendations to foster healthy social interactions. Whether you're battling stress or looking to expand your social network in a meaningful way, Dropby has got your back.

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Social Health Metrics Dashboard

Curious about how you're feeling? Take our simple quizzes to get a clear picture of your mood and strengths. You'll also get helpful advice on how to feel even better. All your info stays private, just for you. It's like having a helpful friend always by your side!

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Backed by Research & Global Collaboration

Our platform is deeply rooted in scientific studies that establish the critical role of social connection and active lifestyles in maintaining mental health. With contributors in the USA, Europe, Asia —we are relentlessly testing methods to ensure it serves diverse needs effectively.


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Real-Life Impact

From boosting your professional self-efficacy to helping you adjust in foreign environments, the impacts of Dropby extend far beyond the screen. Our data-driven approach has shown significant improvements in work satisfaction, level of physical activity, and overall mental well-being among our users.

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Be Part of the Beta Phase

As we steer Dropby into its next exciting phase, fortified with AI-driven capabilities and human-centered design, we invite you to become part of our beta testing community. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated or contact us directly to learn how you can contribute to this revolutionary approach to mental and physical health

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